Create a Launch Icon for Spyder:
On the Terminal get the path of the spyder executable by typing:
which spyder
On my system this gave the path: ~/miniconda3/bin/spyder
Now create a file called spyder in your Applications folder and make it an executable.
touch /Applications/spyderchmod +x /Applications/spyder
Then paste the following lines of code into it and save it.
~/miniconda3/bin/spyder &
Now drag the spyder exe from the Applications folder onto the Desktop. You can launch Spyder now by clicking on the shortcut icon on the Desktop.
Instead of doing all of the above, you can also directly create a copy of the executable on the Desktop and use that as the launch icon too.
cp ~/miniconda3/bin/spyder ~/Desktop
Now by double-clicking on the spyder exe on the Desktop you can launch Spyder.
To give the exe icon an image:
- From the Finder window, press Cmd + Shift + G to get the Go To Folder pop-up.
- Paste the following path in it: ~/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/spyder/images.
- Scroll down to the spyder.png image.
- Open this image in the Preview app.
- Press Cmd + C to copy the image to the Clipboard.
- Now right click on the spyder exe shortcut that we created on the Desktop.
- Go to Get Info.
- Click on the empty icon image on the top left corner of the Get Info pane.
- Press Cmd + V to paste the icon image from Clipboard.
CTA: You can read this post on Medium and follow me there if you like what I post!
(Image Copyrights belong to The Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment)
Sumber :
Sumber :
Menjalankan Spyder IDE Tanpa Ananconda Navigator
Reviewed by ilham.sp
July 15, 2019

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